Florence Aftermath

Florence Aftermath
Debris from historic homes

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Old Pinnix Drug Store on Hancock Street

There are some very strange things may be seen on the corner where I live. 

Tonight, I feature the old Pinnix Drug Store on the corner of Hancock and Queen Street.  The car photo (below) was taken during the Ghostwalk of 2009, the Buddha sitting in the window was taken just yesterday.

When I was a little girl my mother would bring us kids in to New Bern (from Havelock) to have our teeth fixed with Dr. Miller, the Dentist.  Then, we would go to Dixon's to get an ice cream cone.  I never came into the historic district quite this far when I was a child, we had no reason to come here.  From what I can tell, the Pinnix Drug Store was still doing business all the way up till 1993. 

The drug store was built in 1913 and was very convenient to the busy end of town which is north from the town proper and across from the train depot.  It is very quiet down here nowadays, except for when the train pulls through town...

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Rosemary Osterhus said...

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