Florence Aftermath

Florence Aftermath
Debris from historic homes

Friday, August 22, 2014

My Corner of the World -- unstaged!!!

I've been reading with interest about the life of the late actor, Robin Williams.  I never knew before that Robin had a half-brother named Todd, who referred to himself as "Dr. Toad".  So, I also learned that Dr. Toad, when living, had owned a winery in Napa Valley California which is still owned by Williams family, and is named as "Toad Hollow."

So, I went on a search and found a bottle of Toad Hollow Wine ("Erik's the Red, California") at our local Harris-Teeter Grocery Store, and I drank a toast to Robin Williams.

To be honest, the wine did not taste as delicious as our own local scuppernong wine from Duplin County, but nevertheless, aa rather good wine.

Cheers to Robin Williams.  I wish he had come to see us and to have a good sit down talk in New Bern. 

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